The time has come. School is back in session. Where most people are breathing a collective sigh of relief, I am more bracing myself for all that is before me the next nine months. But I will have to say that this year is seemingly going a lot smoother and quite a bit more pleasant. (Lord, that is not a challenge.)
Bayley started school on Aug. 7th. We had to drag her kicking and screaming. You see, she may look like me but she is her Daddy through and through. It is really annoying how they can read or hear something one time and remember it for a lifetime. Me on the other hand, when it comes to trivial things, I'm not to be bothered with cluttering my mind with useless information. I don't know how many times Paul has told me something and I've said "how do you know?" which brings the annoying reply "I read it somewhere" or "You just didn't pay attention in school did you" Well who could soak in all that stuff when you are trying to map out the most beneficial way to get to your next class that will enable you to see as many of your friends as possible. Which I guess explains the tears Thursday night when I made her write all of her spelling words 10 times each (a blog all its own).
Maci on the other hand may look like her Daddy but emulates me to the bitter end. She didn't start school until Aug. 13th. She is officially in the middle school. We went to the open house the day before school started and I was in a panic by the time I left. I was worried about how she was going to get from class to class on time and with all of the supplies needed for that class. She on the other hand couldn't be bothered with such as that. She was entirely too busy catching up with her friends that she hadn't seen all summer. When I picked her up the 1st day, I asked her how her 1st day went and she talked for about 15 minutes with a breath.
So there you have it Paul and Bayley realize the true intent of school and the need for education. Maci and I on the other hand have heard that school is very important but for more than just that one little thing called education, but because the "powers that be" have gone to such trouble to organize such a wonderful way to enhance our social lives.
Anyway, school is off to a good start. There have been test taken and projects turned in already. Maci made a 95 on her first test and Bayley has already turned her project in for her REACH (gifted) class. I am very proud to have two smart beautiful girls.
I wasn't able to take a picture of Maci's first day because I was already at work. (sorry Shana)