Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And She Sings Too

Listen, I have been up since 6:00 and I have just finished working for today. No fancy words or clever whatevers just simply a picture of Bayley's Choral Debut. She did great. I can't believe she is old enough to be in chorus. I also tried to video the song and I'll try to post it.

O.K. I've tried 3 times and can't get the video on here. Shana I will need your guidance, since you have put videos on yours on several different occasions.


Anonymous said...

Keep trying after all I am having to watch my babies grow up in the "BLOG". She not only looks like an angel but she sings like on too. It makes a Granda's hear feel all warm and fuzzy. I just wish I could hear her sing before she goes off to college---not to worry, there's no pressure. Oh botherrrr!

Love from the neglected Granda

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have updated myself on the so very interesting Whittons and I have to say ya'll are one busy family.
All of that and you still have time to help a begging friend. You are one amazing person Shelley Whitton. I love you so much... thanks again for helping me last night with my surpise MK party. You are a life saver (and one terrific friend I might add)!
Angel <><

Anonymous said...

surprise... see i can spell.
please forgive my spelling mistake. i must learn to spell check BEFORE hitting the enter key. and yes, i did have to correct myself cause the teacher in me was cringing! oh well. :P

Anonymous said...

I would like very much to know who the "we" are that decided that aunt Barbara is crazy. Furthermore i take great exception to such a dispariaging remark . Now to address the issue of requesting extra gooyyyyeee on the afore mentioned cinn. biscuits , if memory serves correctly , everyone was EAGER to have said gooyyyyyeee but hark verily I was the only one to thrust my sweet and must I say lovely face against the window to request said gooeeeeyyyy. Now if you would like more verbiage on this subject , we'll catch up later. all kidding aside I love the blog . look forward to seeing you soon . love to all . Aunt Barbara

Anonymous said...

Now dad nab it this is the 3rd time I have sent this message .Do you people think I have nothing to do but to eppervesse forth with such verbiage as to heap coal upon the head of whom so ever was the "we" inwe decided that aunt Barbara is crazy . I know for sure it was not Maci or Bayley .Now that leaves only Shelly and Pat . which leads me to think this just might be a case of the skillet calling the pot black bottom , ya think . I would be remiss if I fail to mention the remarks about our visit to afore mentioned trip to obtain cinn. biscuits . let the record show that everyone wonted extra gooooooy on the morsles but only yours truely would thrust my lovely mug against the window to request said goodies. Love the blog . Give my love to all . hope to see you soon . love ya Aunt Barbara