Friday, May 23, 2008

Free At Last!! Free At Last!!

Thank God Almighty we are free at last!!!
Well we made it. School is out for summer. Although we had to go 2 extra days because of the tornadoes (yes I said tornadoessss) we finally made it to the last week of school.
Bayley was suppose to get out on Tuesday, May 20th. Due to the damage, their last day was Thursday, May 22. Maci's last day was not until Friday, May 23, however she is in 6th grade and their graduation was held Thursday, May 22nd. Does that make sense? I had to put a post it note on my forehead every day to make sure that I was where I needed to be when I needed to be there.
As if my schedule wasn't hectic enough, on the morning that Maci was going to graduate, I went into work a little early to get a jump on some of the end of the year stuff that needed to be done and I came in to glass everywhere. Someone had broken into the kitchen and smashed the window going in and then the window in the door to my office. I guess they were looking for money. They even tried to break the lock that was on our walk in cooler. What in the world is that all about?
Anyway, needless to say I was a little out of kilter the rest of the day. I was able to go to Maci's graduation anyway. They did one of those heart wrenching videos. You know the ones that you have to send one of their baby pictures, and they put them in there to make you realize how time has passed, and you feel as if you missed way too much of their precious lives. Yeah one of those. Then she gets her awards and comes over to me. When she stands next to me, I take note of how tall she has gotten. Then, as if that isn't bad enough, here comes Bayley. She is almost as tall as her sister and she is leaving the 3rd grade. My baby is going into the 4th grade!?!?!?!
I'm going to post some pictures for you to see of Bayley and Maci's last awards and graduation day as a 3rd and 6th grader. Oh my goodness. Maci is going into the 7th grade!!!!! I would say I don't feel any older.... but I do.

Until next time.


Brad and Shana said...

The girls look so adorable in their matching red & black.

I can't believe Maci is going to be in the 7th grade....holy cow.

We're so very, very proud of both of you girls. And, we love you so much.

Celebrating our summer freedom, 'cause that always means fun time with 'the girls'. We can't wait to see you!!

Congrats, again.

Love you,
Aunt Shana

Anonymous said...

Way to go girls! You are just to cute for words. Do I detect a strong family resemblance to your Granda?---I think so.

We are so proud off you both. Enjoy your summer, we can't wait to see you. Tell Mom I still have Defac on speed dial incase she has other more important plans.

See you soon--the pools ready and waiting.
Love you,